Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Flying Frogs and Walking Fish, written by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page, reviewed by Todd Erickson

Summary: This nonfiction book is divided into all the sometimes surprising different ways mammals, invertebrates, insects and fish move. Whether it's walking, swimming. climbing, flying, rolling, or jetting, animals of all kinds are on the move. Motivating factors mostly include escaping predators or searching for food. A recap of the animals can be found at the end of the book with more information about each of the 46 animals.

Straight Talk for Librarians: An interesting foray into nonfiction that will appeal to young readers but with a rather high reading 4th-grade reading level. This could work as an effective read aloud to kick off a student animal research project, in order to get students to think about what makes animals unique and different from one another. Normally, we don't think of elephants swimming or snakes gliding through the air, but this book sheds light on these and other surprising ways 46 animals get around.

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