Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Reuse this Book, reviewed by Judy Hauser

Summary: What a great book about cleaning up our planet for young children. The book has a very sturdy, hard board cover. That is excellent because young readers and listeners are directed to participate in many activities about recycling, reducing waste and reusing materials. Participation includes circling the illustration of the globe, blowing on the flowers like the wind, pressing on seeds, tilting the book like you would a watering can, shaking the book like a compost bin and other activities. The book has beautiful low-tech interactivity with so many great activities but no sounds or items to move or pull. And considering the subjects of the book that is brilliant. The illustrators Emma Morris and Phil Caminiti have designed wonderful pages of what we all can do to recycle, reuse and reduce waste. The book has a positive viewpoint on all of the points made relating to the subjects. This book is highly recommended for young children and will be a great introduction to these important, broad topics that are so important to our planet. 

Straight Talk for Librarians: This is an excellent "starter" book for young children to learn about recycling, reducing waste and reusing items to save our earth.