Monday, April 4, 2022

Cow Says Meow, written by Kristi Call, reviewed by Katy Golden

Summary: This onomatopoeia-filled book showcases a series of animals quoted with the wrong sounds, presented in speech bubbles, followed by a child making an animal-related pun that gives a clue for the next creature up. The pictures are full-page graphic illustrations of each animal’s face with extra-large eyes. At the end of the story, the first animal – a cow – shows up again, prompting a never-ending circle that young readers will enjoy. 

Straight Talk for Librarians: Preschoolers and kindergarteners will love to guess which sounds are coming from which animal, and will definitely find the large faces and mixed-up sounds silly. From a cow to an owl to a lion to a kid, a large variety of animals are represented. Use this to review animal sounds with very young children, or have them guess the next animal based on the puns to get sligh