Friday, November 6, 2020

I Never, written by Laura Hopper, reviewed by Bethany Bratney

Summary: Janey’s parents take her on vacation to announce that they are getting divorced and in her disheveled, disappointed stupor, she almost doesn’t notice that handsome, popular senior Luke Hallstrom is on the same flight home. But when she returns to school, it becomes obvious that Luke definitely noticed Janey. Janey assumes that the much-more-experienced Luke will move on from what could only be a passing interest in soft-spoken, unglamorous Janey, but she soon realizes that his pursuit of her seems lasting and genuine. Short exchanges at track practice quickly progress into texting, dates and kisses. More easily than Janey would have ever believed possible, she has a boyfriend and their newfound couplehood is becoming serious, both emotionally and physically. But since Luke is headed for out-of-state college in the fall, how far could this relationship possibly go? 

Straight Talk for Librarians: This is a book about teen relationships, first time love, and first sexual relationships. It is probably better suited for a high school library because of the descriptions of the sexual relationship, which are detailed and steamy, but not explicit. The tone of the story is very sex-positive and includes messages about the importance of communication and trust in a relationship, explicit consent, prophylactic protection and power dynamics between partners. Janey also experiences tremendous individual growth during the story, shifting from someone with weak self-confidence to someone who feels secure, important and desirable independent of her relationship. This book is sure to bother some parents because of the sexual content, but it is guaranteed to be a hit with teens who are moving through moments of self-understanding and early relationships like Janey and Luke. It’s an almost-too-perfect story of a loving high school relationship that is likely to delight readers of romance and realistic fiction.

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