Friday, March 22, 2024

The Fabled Life of Aesop: The extraordinary journey and collected tales of the world's greatest storyteller, written by Ian Lendler and Pamela Zagarenski, reviewed by Terry Wahrman

Summary:  Aesop is a slave boy.  He creates stories about the value of hard work and being honest, humble and kind. He also taught the slaves how to survive in a world that was sometimes unjust and cruel. This is his story and it includes several of the fables he told. His stories have lived on for over 2500 years. Many of the stories were retold over those years and have become legends.  Aesop’s fables became one of the most popular books in history. Two of his most famous fables are the Tortoise and the Hare and the boy who cried wolf.

Straight Talk for Librarians: All the fables are still useful lessons in today’s current life and classroom situations. Students will be transfixed by the lessons they are taught by the talking animals. Teachers could build lessons around each fable and students can have great classroom discussions on each of the fables. Highly recommended.


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