Tuesday, September 24, 2024

All These Warriors written by Amy Tintera, reviewed by Terry Wahrman


Summary:  Clara and her team are fighting scabs in the UK minus Garrett & Julian. They take heavy losses and decide to take a break from fighting.  They regroup back in the US.  While there, they get a tip about a MGD scrab laboratory in the dust lands of Texas.  Upon locating the lab, they find evidence of scrab training over the last 15 years.  Someone has stolen all 500 scabs to sell off.   Julian tries reaching out to Clara because he wants to get back together with her.  She wants nothing to do with his anger and lies. When she doesn’t respond he seeks her out to find Clara and Eden have become closer.  Julian becomes angry and sets the scabs out in force against Clara’s family.     

Straight Talk for Librarians:  Action lacking.  This highly anticipated sequel to all these Monsters had us dragging our feet to complete.  All these warriors is about Clara and her life within the team.  Unlike the first book, this one lacks fighting and romance until the very end. The pace was slow.  Very disappointing after the first book was very engaging.  The characters seemed distant and forced into action like someone else wrote the beginning of the book and Tintera completed it.  There was a lot of movement around the world.  They moved from the UK, to New York, to Lubbock Texas, to Dallas without developing the setting which was disappointing.   If you stick with it the book takes on a new quality in the end and really explodes in both action and romance, but will your readers be willing to wait?  I have several of her novels in the high school library and they go out regularly.  This is not her best work.  Recommended for support for the first novel.

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