Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Apex Predators written by Steve Jenkins, reviewed by Debra Gantz

Summary:  Jenkins never fails to please. The organization of this book is interesting as the connection to modern day and extinct predators is connected with small labels on the top of the pages. The illustrations and facts are fascinating as there are small passages of facts included on each page. My students will find most amazing the face-offs of how these apex predators may fair against one another. These 26 predators have a comparison on each page of the predator and an adult human offering further comprehension of size. Some back matter is included on the copyright page at the end.

This is an easily read book with facts that will engage strong readers and the minds of those who listen to the pages read by peers or teachers. These torn-cut paper illustrations are quite fun! 

Straight Talk for Librarians:  I am always looking for non-fiction that will grab student's attention and offer the ability to better understand our animal world. This book does just that! 

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