Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Because of the Rabbit written by Cynthia Lord, reviewed by Debra Gantz

Summary:  As usual, Cynthia Lord writes what students want to read. This is a story about a home schooled girl going to a local public school for the first time. She captures the angst, the dreams vs reality, and the friend drama so very well. This book also includes a parent that works in wildlife rescue and the family is fostering a pet rabbit found in the wild. The connections made to family through the rabbit are wonderful and remind me how much we need stories of our families, cultures, and how often these stories offer us strength that we need in our lives. I really loved the connections weaved into this story.

Wild animal rescue, friendship connections, teachers who "see" their students, and families that love their children unconditionally are the heart of this book. One student allows us to recognize that being different is not the focus, what is the focus is being classmates and friends above all else. Finding our way there is worth the time. Share the journey with these characters. It is worth all the feelings along the way. 

Straight Talk for Librarians:  Lord is quite good at sharing student angst and resolutions and this book is no different. There is not mention of the issue with the one student, but I would share this book during April is Autism Awareness Month along with all the Boy Called Bat books by Elana K. Arnold. 

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