Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Oh my Gods! written by Stephanie Cooke, reviewed by Terry Wahrman


Summary:  Karen is the daughter of Zeus, but doesn’t know it.  Her mom sent her to Mt. Olympus to spend quality time and get acquainted with her father.  Karen was very excited to do it.  Although once she arrived, she knew things were different.  She believed she was at an art & theater school where they took things to the extreme by dressing in character.  When people literally started turning to stone, they thought Karen might be involved.  Karen wants to clear her name.  Along with her god friends, they delve into solving the mystery of who is turning gods into stone.     

Straight Talk for Librarians:  Oh my Gods held my interest from start to finish.  Teens can relate to Karen moving schools and having to make new friends.  When the first thing goes wrong, they all look towards the newcomer.  Her new friends help her solve the mystery and Karen teaches them how to treat the villain with kindness and understanding.  Students will learn not to judge so quickly and making friends is always a good choice.  Highly recommended.

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