Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Whole Hole Story written by Vivian McInerny, reviewed by Debra Gantz

Summary:  Zia finds a hole in her pocket and seems unphased by what stays and what is lost. That is until the day she notices it is bigger and wonders what would happen if she fell into it. Cue all the wonder of the rabbit hole from Alice in Wonderland and the Wild Rumpus from Where the Wild Things Are as Zia will offer humor, wonder, and entertainment for a new generation of children! The word play in this story will most certainly entertain parents and teachers who share this story and may lead to it being requested again and again. 

Straight Talk for Librarians:  Zia is a charming African American child with a wild imagination that allows her to travel far until she returns from this magical journey and puts the hole back in her pocket. 

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