Friday, May 31, 2019

Bizzy Mizz Lizzie, written by David Shannon, reviewed by Klaudia Janek

Summary: Lizzie is a very busy bee. She works hard at school, takes dance, acting, art and music lessons. She also plays baseball and is a member of the Junior Honey Scouts. Her goal was to meet the Queen and impress her with all that she does. Lizzie did spend time with friends, but they were always doing things. A Spelling Contest was announced and the winner would get to meet the Queen. Lizzie was determined to win. Lizzie focused all her energy on studying. She was very tired but kept on studying. Lizzie fell asleep at the worst possible moment. She regretted some of her decisions, but decided that maybe it was time to stop and smell the flowers. 

Straight Talk for Librarians: This is a very bright, bold and busy book! Young readers will love the colors and the story. I think a lot of readers will be able to empathize with Lizzie, especially if their own lives are very busy. The story conveys the message that taking time to just enjoy life is what we all need sometimes. This book is a great addition to a elementary school library. If you are in a IB PYP library, this book is a great one to teach the Learner Profile attributes of balanced and reflective. If you have readers who are David Shannon fans, this is a must have. This would be a great book for a bee themed book display. It makes for a good independent reading choice, but also works well as a read aloud. I definitely recommend it. 

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