Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Clark in the Deep Sea, written by R.W. Alley, reviewed by Klaudia Janek

Student Reviewer: Zuhaib S. 
Summary: In the book, Clark in the DEEP SEA by: R.W. Alley, he starts off by explaining what is going on in the book, with the youngest sister who is named Gretchen, and drops her teddy bear. After it falls, Clark who is the older brother as well as the protagonist, has to go on a journey to save it. The journey involves imagination of the main character and he has to deal with a few objects that are stopping him from obtaining the bear. The type of conflicts that the protagonist faces are those that are related to the protagonist’s pets like his dog and fish. Since it is raining outside, Clark relates it to the sea and his pet dog is a shark which has hold of the bear. At the end everything gets happy because Clark is able to retrieve the bear and end up giving it back to his little sister and everything was happily ever after.

Straight Talk for Librarians: This book could be used in the classroom because there is a lot of imagery present as well as descriptive words that could be useful to learn about in a literature class. This book could be used in the classroom is because the medium is watercolor which would also be used in an art class. This book is interesting because the author connects things in the real world to the imagination in the main character’s head. A good choice for a school library.

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