Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fred Forgets, written by Peter Jarvis, reviewed by Todd Erickson

Summary: Fred is a good natured forgetful elephant who's put in a number of life threatening,
compromising situations by one mean monkey. In this very basic comeuppance/trickster tale, Fred is at the mercy of his not-so good friend Monkey until he gets so frustrated he decides to fight back in the most basic way possible using extreme force.

Straight Talk for Librarians: This silly one-note story is funny in a sadistic, Road Runner and Wylie Coyote kind of way but without the depth or humor. Although, Fred is put in a series of life threatening situations by a seemingly psychotic monkey, it's not until Fred puts on a dress and is mocked by his cohorts that this story seems to take its darkest. A twisted tale that is mildly amusing, but ultimately pointless as it only leaves the reader feeling ashamed for laughing along. But maybe that's the whole point?

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