Friday, December 18, 2020

Round, written by Joyce Sidman, reviewed by Bethany Bratney

Summary: Round is a book that follows a young girl as she explores the natural world around her and notices the many facets of nature that are round. She notices things that begin as round objects and change, like seeds and eggs, and other things that follow the reverse pattern, like mushrooms growing or rocks eroding in the ocean. She enjoys the movement of round objects, like nuts and seeds, and how easily they shift and roll. She points out the variable longevity of round things, like the fleeting moment of a blown bubble and the eternal nature of the moon and stars. She even discusses the ways that she can be round, like when she is in an inclusive circle of friends, or curled up in a blanket ball to read a book. 

Straight Talk for Librarians: This unnamed girl loves round things and her joy and wonder at them is pervasive and infectious. The words are simple, but ponderous, creating a moment of discovery (or re-discovery) on every page as readers realize or remember the sheer number of round things found in nature. The printed texture artwork by Taeeun Yoo is a true companion to Sidman’s thoughtful words, embracing the full page with color and many lovely examples of roundness. The girl is featured on every page, but she is lovingly paired with three frequent companions - a man (presumably her father), a spotted dog, and a white goose - who accompany her through her adventures and activities. The text is simple and short enough to read to a very young child, who is starting to spot shapes in their world, but could also stretch up to an early elementary reader who is reading alone and/or beginning the process of making their own observations about nature. An illustrated author’s note includes short, but factual explanations of why so many objects in nature are round, including brief notes about round objects being sturdy, expansive, balanced and mobile. This book is a delight to read and offers much for readers of all ages to learn and enjoy.

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