Friday, April 16, 2021

Twilight Chant, written by Holly Thompson, reviewed by Judy Hauser

Summary: This is a beautiful book about animals that are active during twilight which, as the author explains, is the time of low or "half" light after sunset and before sunrise. The illustrations by Jen Betton depict deer coming out to graze, birds swooping, rabbits and foxes running and jumping and many other animals in their natural habitats. A family is by a lake packing up their picnic and heading home amid all that is happening in nature. The family walks up to their house as the animals around them also live their lives, possibly ending their day or, perhaps, beginning their day. This is a low-key yet beautiful book in how it demonstrates nature and juxtaposes some daily occurrences of animals with those of people. In this book, all living things are living in harmony. At the end of the book there is a one-page explanation of twilight and nocturnal, diurnal and crepuscular animals. This is helpful and is a good, short explanation for young children. 

Straight Talk for Librarians:
A nice introduction to when some animals are active during a day. The short explanation at the end of the book explains some terms that may be difficult for some young children to understand but, then again, may still be helpful.

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