Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Our Table, written by Peter H. Reynolds, reviewed by Klaudia Janek

Summary:  Violet is the youngest in her family and she is fondly remembering sitting around the table enjoying a meal with her family.  Her family is now too busy to make a meal, prepare the table, and sit together.  Dad is watching the big screen tv, mom is on her phone and her brother is playing his video games.  Violent notices that the dining room table is shrinking and then all of a sudden it disappears.  Violet knows that her family needs to “rebuild” the table and their connection to each other.  Violet gives them all a task and they get to work.  The pages go from all violet to full color at the end when the family is back together.
Straight Talk for Librarians:  A cautionary tale for all families today who don’t always take the time to have a meal together.  An all too true telling of how we are all attached to technology more than the people who surround us.  It will make readers of all ages consider how much time they spend connected to technology instead of their friends and family.  It makes for a good read-aloud.  It would be a popular choice for any elementary school library.  For any PYP IB programs, there is a focus on being a Communicator in the Learner Profile.  There could be lots of library activities to complement this book.  My 9-year-old reader stated, “It was really short but still super good!” Highly recommended.  

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