Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Little Red and the Cat Who Loved Cake written by Barbara Lehman, reviewed by Terry Wahrman

:  Little Red and Big Red bake a cake for Grandma.  Wolfie, the cat, thinks he’ll be getting cake until it’s boxed up and put in a basket.  Sneaky Wolfie, follows Little Red all through town and through the park hiding behind things for the right opportunity to grab the cake.  Little Red greets several people, but the timing is off for Wolfie.  Wolfie gets into Grandma’s house, puts on her clothes, and gets in bed, but Wolfie does not know that Little Red and Grandma have a surprise for him.

Straight Talk for Librarians:  This fractured fairytale of Little Red Riding Hood is told through pictures.  It is wordless, but not worthless.  The colorful pages tell a strong story and incorporate other fairytale figures along the way.  There is a find me section in the back pages of the book to find certain items or characters. Having the students look for items is a precursor toward learning to be observant and detail-gathering for later comprehensive reading.  Great for teaching fractured fairy tales or rewriting a story too.  Goes to show, you don’t need words to tell a story.  Highly recommended. 


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