Tuesday, September 24, 2024

NewsPrints #2: EndGames written and illustrated by Ru Xu, reviewed by Terry Wahrman

Summary:  In this sequel to NewsPrints, the fight for freedom and truth continues with Blue searching for her friend Crow.  Crow is a boy that was created to end the war.  He is a flying war machine.  Blue is half Grimmaean and half Goswish.  The new Goswish queen is not backing away from the war.  She is forging ahead and wants to have all the territories under her rule by beating Gremmaeans into submission.  Blue, raised in Goswish, gets kidnapped by the Gremmaeans and learns a lesson in working together for the common good.

Straight Talk for Librarians:  A lot is lost by not having read the first book.  The beginning is confusing because characters are introduced without background.  Xu could have written a prologue to introduce the characters from book 1 and make the transition better.  This would end a lot of confusion in certain scenes.
Goswish’s have black hair and brown eyes and Gremmaeans have blond hair and blue eyes, because Blue has traits of each, blond hair & brown-eyed, she is neither friend nor foe. She has to defend herself all the time.  She can pass through either country with a few changes like a wig or sunglasses.  Her lack of acceptance strikes a true cord common among today’s teens. I purchased the first book to add to my collection.  I believe I won't be able to keep it on the shelf.

Not recommended as a stand-alone read

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