Summary: Every Moment After follows best friends Matt and Cole as they navigate their lives in the aftermath of a tragic school shooting that took place eleven years earlier in East Ridge, New Jersey. The shooting left eighteen first graders dead, including their best friend, which has left deep scars on the survivors. Matt, who was home sick on that fateful day, struggles with guilt and self-destructive tendencies, while Cole, a survivor, grapples with PTSD, the recent loss of his father, and the desire for normalcy, including asking a girl out. The story addresses themes of grief, friendship, and the complexities of growing up while facing the shadows of a traumatic past. Told from both boys' perspectives, the novel explores their changing relationships and the challenges they face as they attempt to move forward without forgetting the pain they carry.
Straight Talk for Librarians: This story centers around trauma, mental health, and the importance of friendship. The book can be included in literature circles or book clubs, encouraging students to share their thoughts and feelings about the characters’ experiences. Librarians can create guided discussion questions that focus on themes such as coping with grief, the impact of violence in schools, and the process of healing. Additionally, incorporating cross-curricular lessons that link the book’s themes to social studies or health education can foster a deeper understanding of the societal issues surrounding school violence. Providing resources for mental health support and facilitating safe spaces for students to express their feelings can also be beneficial. By using this book as a springboard for conversation, librarians can help students process their emotions and engage with important contemporary issues.
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