Tuesday, September 24, 2024

From an Idea to Nike: How Marketing Made Nike a Global Success written by Lowey Bundy Sichol, reviewed by Debra Gantz


Summary:  A great inside view of the development of a brand and the pieces that pulled it together to being one of the biggest names in shoes. The facts, the vocabulary, the failures, and the huge wins are all here for the fact loving students in your schools!

Straight Talk for Librarians:  One of my jobs in the last few years was to introduce students to careers they may have in their future. This series of books has been helpful as it shows businesses they know from the beginning when they were just a dream by a single or pair of individuals. I love that this one pairs the dreamer with his college professor. Learning about the back story is an interesting way to learn business, marketing, sales, and entrepreneurship.

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