Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tiny Monsters: The Strange Creatures That Live On Us, In Us, and Around Us written by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page, reviewed by Debra Gantz


Summary:  In Jenkins amazing style, each insect is shown enlarged with an actual size note and details about how dangerous they can be or what is unique about them. The illustrations are cut and torn paper collage with coloring for highlighting the insect descriptions. 

Straight Talk for Librarians:  I love microorganisms, but no so much insects. Yet, this book may have changed my mind. My first graders for years have researched insects and I cannot wait to share this book with them! I see it as a first purchase! I will be using the Tiny Monster facts at the end in a Kahoot, I believe. The introduction for this one will be so fun to create. This book will be perused by many students over years. It should be in every library that serves elementary students! 

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